How to Organize Amidst the Chaos

by | May 9, 2021 | Home and Garden, Lifestyle | 0 comments

I have always been an on the go type of person and have always had several things to do in my life. Keeping myself organized and on task wasn’t that difficult…… then came the tiny humans! That is to say, pregnancy brain is a real thing and I don’t think I have every fully recovered (my youngest is 7)! I have made it my goal in 2021 to get my ducks in a row. This is not an elaborate attempt to have a fully color coded calendar and lists galore, its a busy mom’s perspective on how to organize amidst the chaos and set up for a more streamlined day and how you can join me on this adventure from chaos to sanity!

How to Organize Using New School Supplies for Mama!

I am a school supply nerd! I love the new boxed and the fresh pads of paper! When 2021 came around I ordered a few things that I knew would help me get my life in order. Again Rome wasn’t built in a day and I know that I will not conquer this quest in a few short months either. I am simply putting little steps together so that I can develop better habits in the morning and throughout my day. Keeping me accountable if you will.

The Items I used to Organize

1/4″ graph paper– Here is the one I chose on Amazon Mr. Pen Graph Paper

Felt Tip Pens– Loved the colors in this Reaeon 60 Colored Felt Pens pack.

Bullet Journal– To have my monthly chores at a glance I chose this book to customize myself — YRL Best Bullet Notebook

Atomic Habits- I bought this book to read for the new year and I absolutely loved it. It breaks down your hectic life and only asks you to get 1% better… I’m in! Check out Atomic Habits.

Getting My Mind Organized

As I began this process I wasn’t trying to make a whole life overhaul but I knew I needed to start somewhere. This mama suffers from the something shiny disease (squirrel!!) and I needed a way to have more focus in my life starting first thing in the morning. I actually gave myself a lot of grace for the month of January and my main goal was to take my vitamins and make my bed every day. I know this sounds silly but it had to be something that I could accomplish everyday and see some progress. The other items on my list were things that I wanted to get done but they weren’t my main goal. (Case in point my laundry, it didn’t get very many “X”s!)

My Process For Organization

Firstly, I use the graph paper to write a daily To-Do list. It was just a few things written in for the day. A few difficult things and a few easy things. I added the easy things so I was at least accomplishing something for the day if my train was to derail and my day fell off the tracks!

Secondly, reading Atomic Habits was a great choice for me because it put a concrete goal to my organization. The author was able to overcome a traumatic brain injury and get his life back in order using small steps and conscious repetition in his daily life. He used tiny steps to accomplish big things. The way he broke down his process and made it easy to follow was great for a busy mom like me.

In addition, I also made a monthly calendar in my bullet journal. I picked a few tasks to focus on for the month of January. My main goals again were vitamins and my bed. As a result, I could see where I was excelling and where I was falling short.

In Conclusion

The progress I made this month was a great step in the right direction! I made a conscious effort to put my crazy mom brain on paper. I feel like it was a great step in the right direction. Each month I will progress with another habit. Who knows maybe someday laundry will get a few more checks?! Ha ha ha! But that is for another month!

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