Quick and Easy Baked Feta Pasta For Busy Moms

by | Feb 18, 2021 | Dash's Adventures, Food | 0 comments

Baked Feta Pasta

  • 5 min Prep Time
  • 30 min Cook Time


  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Feta cheese
  • Garlic (Whole or minced)
  • Olive oil
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Badia Complete seasoning (Optional)
  • Noodles of your choice

How To Cook It

Preheat oven for 350. In a baking dish safe for ovens, add enough cherry tomatoes to fill the bottom of dish leaving enough room to put the feta block in the center. Add olive oil, garlic and seasoning and mix with tomatoes before adding the block of feta to the middle.

Add oil and seasoning on top of block of feta but keep the block intact. Put in oven for 30 mins or until tomatoes have burst. Cook pasta until the pasta is al dente.

When everything is done, mix the tomatoes and feta into a creamy goodness. Add your pasta and fresh basil, serve and enjoy your freshly baked feta pasta with your family!

Why I made this

I am a huge pasta fan! And could possibly eat pasta every day if that was a healthy option. I saw this on TikTok multiple times and saw so many people do it with various personal touches. So my personal touch was the Badia seasoning and Wild Wonder tomatoes. I knew I had to try it with my mama, so when I went back home to visit my parents I was excited to try it! And let me tell you, it did not disappoint. We will be making this again.

Alternative add ons

For a family who enjoys meat in their dishes, I would suggest to cook seasoned chicken to add in when you add the basil. I think it brings a lot more flavor to an already flavorful dish!

We also used Wild Wonders tomatoes which has a medley of different types of tomatoes with a variety of flavors!

What is your favorite pasta dish?
Stay safe stay hydrated!
Until next time friends

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