About Us

Our Story

We are a family who loves being together, exploring life and the world around us. This site is designed to help other families learn to develop, enjoy one another, and go on adventures. We want to help you by providing articles and tools that will save you time, money, and energy while helping you explore what it means to a family.


We reside in the beautiful big American state of Texas! Jarrod and Hadassah work locally and online while Christy pours hundred of hours a month into educating Xavian, Marcus, Talitha, and Ktsanna. Our goal is to develop the site into something so beneficial we are forced to leave our day jobs and focus solely on providing content that helps our readers..

Learning Through Exploration is Often Better Than Learning From Rote


I’m Jarrod. The Husband of Christy and father of Xavian, Marcus, Talitha, and Ktsanna. I am a man of many abilities and master of none. I’ve been a president of a non-profit, an executive member of a corporation, a pastor, a teacher, a counselor, a trustee for a mortgage fund, a project leader, a manager, and an engineer. But, what I truly love is learn and to help others.

I am Christy to family and friends, Maria to Jarrod and Mama to the four little people we call our own. By vocation I have been a Suzuki violin teacher, Doula, horse trainer, dairy goat farmer, Counselor and Pastor’s wife. Currently my day-to-day is filled to the brim with home educating our children and developing a small home business. You will often find me reading aloud to our family, sorting out a writing assignment or math problem, going on long walks collecting nature treasures along the way, bringing peace and reconciliation to squabbles or dancing around the kitchen with two mini Princesses.

Around lunchtime debating which super power is the most effective or how the dark elf will discover his magical ancestory with an aspiring boy-author while whipping up mac and cheese and green smoothies is the norm. I might even sneak in a few minutes of my own reading with a cup of hot tea, or groom and train my dogs for a few minutes. My interests are varied with child education, music, great books, travel, animal husbandry and training, cooking, baking, health, exploring the outdoors and cuddling on the couch being a few favorites. I am passionate about teaching my family, loving my best friend and partner in life, discovering adventure and wonder in the day-to-day and helping others discover how they can do the same.


Xavian is our bergeoning 10 year old. He is passionate about books, history (especially Ancient History), video games, and absolutely anything to with creatures, dogs in particular. He thrives on asking questions from the second he opens his eyes to when he falls asleep at night! Quick to learn, quick to think and quick to lend a helping hand, he is a true firstborn and an integral part of the functiong of our household. He currently aspires to be an exotic vet at a zoo and breed dogs. You will find him playing and creating with his brother, training his Australian Labradoodle puppy, Arya or sequestered in a quiet corner with a good book.

Marcus is 9 and finishing up third grade. He is our strong and sensitive son. Always aware to the emotions and needs of those around him. We don’t know what we would do without our “Marcus hugs” throughout the day! Marcus is artistic and creative. He has a great afinity for drawing, writing, playing the piano and discovering the mystery of how things work. He also loves reading and devours books at an astounding rate. You will find him drawing, creating battle scenes with his Schleich figures, designing a new invention, playing the piano, hanging out with Xavian or building an indoor castle for two little sisters who want to be princesses. He loves his Betta fish, Prince Mosaic and is ever ready to curate a cup of hot tea for anyone who desires one! When he grows up, Marcus wants to create. He has many dreams and hopes to start woodworking this year.


Talitha is our 7 year-old who adores unicorns, horses, mermaids and everything bright and sparkly! Tali packs a very big personality into a tiny little frame. She is happiest dressed in full (hot pink) princess regalia dancing, drawing, playing with her model horses or searching for worms and other “pets” in the dirt outside…all while wearing a diamond tiara, naturally. Tali personifies enthusiasm wherever she appears. She is sure to amp up the energy and drama whenever she walks into a room! She is learning to hone her reading skills this year, learn piano and work on addition. She gets her love of horses from her Mama and dreams of owning her very own horse one day.

Ktsanna is our sunny 4 year-old and her big sister’s shadow. If Tali brings the energy into a room, Sanna brings the smiles and music. She earned the nickname “Sanna Smiles” as an infant and still spreads her sunshine to everyone throughout the day. You can find her following her big siblings, drawing or pirouetting her way through the house. She is the resident coffee helper, appearing whenever she hears the expresso machine to assist and taste. She is always sure to bring home lots of treasures on our hikes and walks to make beautiful art for everyone. Sanna wants to “do what Mama does” when she grows up, as long as it’s in a Cinderella gown.


Hi! Im Hadassah but most of my friends call me Dass or Dash! I’m a 25 year old free-spirit who is dedicated to traveling and learning. I’m Jarrod’s younger sister and currently live with Jarrod, Christy and their four kids in Texas. I love photography, art, food, as well as animals. I found myself at a time-consuming job that I enjoyed, but knew would stop me from going after my true dreams of traveling and exploring this beautiful world. I was living in my home state of Colorado, but was not able to experience the things I longed for. I needed to make a change so thus, I did! I’ve spent this whole year on diligently working and saving my money as well as pushing myself to expand my knowledge and the well-being of my body and mind. I have big travel plans for 2021 so please stick around and explore with me!


Hello there! I’m Richard, the youngest brother of the family, a Tennessee native currently living in Florida. You could say I’m a coffee enthusiast by trade but I really do run off of the stuff. Cooking is a huge part of my daily life, whether it be a comforting family recipe or trying something completely new and flying by the seat of my pants! I find myself in the kitchen a lot, I love being my wife’s assistant for her baking endeavors or even trying a new beer over a conversation with a friend. My biggest hobbies would definitely be around collectibles, video games, board games, and definitely music!

Hello there! I’m Richard, the youngest brother of the family, a Tennessee native currently living in Florida. You could say I’m a coffee enthusiast by trade but I really do run off of the stuff. Cooking is a huge part of my daily life, whether it be a comforting family recipe or trying something completely new and flying by the seat of my pants! I find myself in the kitchen a lot, I love being my wife’s assistant for her baking endeavors or even trying a new beer over a conversation with a friend. My biggest hobbies would definitely be around collectibles, video games, board games, and definitely music!


Hello, my name is Machia. My friends and family call me Ky and my two greatest accomplishments call me Papa. I moved to Colorado in the early 90s and met the love of my life in 1999. My wife and I have been building our dreams here in Colorado since we wed in 2005.

We have two children, Alyvia and Traven. They keep us on our toes with their sports, clubs, hobbies and their love for an adventure. I am currently a transportation maintenance shift boss, and the District Fire Chief. I enjoy helping my community and keeping them safe.

I love to be outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking, shed hunting, fixing fence and anything else that lets me use my hands. We also remodeled our kitchen in our house so we are becoming Jack of all trades!

Hello, my name is Tara. I am a 36 year young wife and a mother of two kiddos, Alyvia and Traven. I grew up in Colorado in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. I enjoy the great outdoors very much and use the beautiful sunshine as an  xcuse to put off housework as often as possible! I am currently working at our local school district as the head cook. I have also been a volunteer EMT/Firefighter along side my husband for the past 15 years. I enjoy feeding the children at the school to open their minds for learning and I love being able to give back to my community and help them during any emergency that arises. We live in a rural community that offers many opportunities for us to learn about homesteading, raising livestock, poultry, and gardening in the few months that we don’t have snow! I enjoy cooking, quilting, crafting, hiking, camping, hunting and fitness. We love to be outdoors as a family and we take adventures whenever we can!


Hi, my name is Alyvia, but my friends and family call me Lyvie. I am a thirteen-year-old
living in colorful Colorado. I enjoy raising livestock, drawing, reading and making music. I play basketball and volleyball and run Cross Country and track. I also play piano for my local church as well as clarinet in the school band.
Something that is important to me is living life to fullest and enjoying every minute with
my friends and family.

Bill and Shannon


Hi! We are Bill and Shannon, we are the proud parents and grandparents of the family.

We met and married in Colorado in 1974. Bill was a land surveyor and surveyed quite a bit of land in Colorado and some in New Mexico. He has since found his true calling in preaching God’s Word.

Bill loves the outdoors, he enjoys working in the yard planting all kinds of trees, plants and rose bushes. He also enjoys movies, reading books and puzzles.

Shannon enjoys the outdoors, planting flowers and try’s to garden. She also enjoys relaxing under some of the trees Bill planted over 30 years ago. She also enjoys quilting and handwork.

We both love having people in our home and when our children and grandchildren come to visit, that’s the best thing ever! We play lots of games and drink lots of coffee.

We also have had the opportunity to travel over the years to almost every state in the the USA. We like to see the well known sights and the not well known sights on the back roads that have led us to beautiful sights unknown to many. There is a lot to see here in America.

An Image of a Clownfish


Yes, that clownfish. The one worried about everyone venturing too close to the internet version of the ‘Drop Off.’ The one content to stay behind the stinging firewalls of my own version of an anemone… my social media anonymity. One never knows what is lurking beyond the safety of the tangible reef of  reality (which is scary enough at times!). The forever nature of that once funny picture that manages to surface as the #1 item on a Google search of yourself. It’s almost like a tattoo…

Yeah. You guessed it. I don’t have any of those either. But, before you think I am risk adverse, or an old stick in the mud, satisfy your curiosity and read a little further. Am I careless and whimsical in my internet activities, no. Calculated and cautious, yes! In real life I have traveled the world and only hired a tour guide once (actually a taxi driver in the Azores that halved his rate if we kept him in our service all day). My occupations have taken me inside burning buildings, across vast wilderness on horseback, into airplanes and operating rooms.

I enjoy learning and teaching, writing and public speaking. Born an introvert, born again with a charge to care for people, causing me to transform into an extrovert for the sake of others. A lifetime adventure in and of itself. So why the anonymity? There are multiple reasons for sure, some related to my occupation, some to personal beliefs, some for the sake of my children so they can make their own decisions on swimming into the depths of social media and the internet writ large. We will explore some of those reasons in depth in future posts that may be counter to the currant of popular culture.

No doubt you are asking, can one write in a blog and build trust with their audience while remaining in the shadows? Let’s find out! Join me as we explore the world around us, including the drop off together. We will discuss and probe the ins and outs of balancing reality and the virtual. Feel free to read a few of my other ‘clownfish cautious’ posts on my thoughts related to internet safety, or jump into the fun posts of exploring the reef of reality. Besides, my goal isn’t to highlight me, but to instead bring out the best in you. So, stick around and I will see you out there!

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