A Better Family

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Culture and Character, Lifestyle | 1 comment


Welcome to A Family Perspective a place for families by families. My name is Jarrod and with my wife, sister, and brothers we are developing a site to help people. Above all we want to see families grow and excel. You can discover more about each one of us on the “About Us” page.

Why We Started A Family Perspective

My family decided to begin working on this site in late 2019 and have only now developed it to a point where we are willing to share it with the world. However, we are not professional web developers and we have never done anything like this before. Therefore, we would appreciate your patience and input!

We began this journey from a desire to help families have better access to information that can improve their lives, create memories, and explore the world around them. However, not by telling families what to be, instead by showing them what our home does and similarly, by exploring what other families do. We are not the perfect family. Nor does one exist. Instead we are families who live life differently. We all have ideas… good and bad ideas. We want to take these experiences and differences and learn how to help one another by creating a community that isn’t critical of one another, but instead encouraging and helpful.

Nuclear Family

Exploring as a Family

We want to explore and learn with other families. We want to talk about the places that we have gone, the things we have done, and the people and products that have helped us along the way. For instance, here are some of the things we will be doing:

  1. Writing Articles on being a family.
  2. Creating Articles on parenting.
  3. Interviewing other families from different areas around the world. Exploring how families think, eat, and live.
  4. Write reviews on toys, house accessories, and entertainment with a logical system of points.
  5. Discover new locations on solo, couple, and most of all family travel.
    • This is a special interest for us because we love exploring new places. From major trips overseas to State and National Parks we love seeing and exploring with our loved ones.
  6. Creating Travel companions for areas that you can visit. These are focused mostly towards children and contain:
    • Coloring Pages
    • Questions aimed towards multiple age groups
    • Local area recipes
    • Short (5-10 Minute) biography on local historic or famous people
  7. Photography and family photography (Hadassah is a photographer).


The family is a critical cornerstone of society and humanity. Have you been purposeful in your home? Developed a family plan? Set up goals? Have you inspired fellow members with dreams? If not… why not? Why not invest as much time into the family as hobbies and work? Why not start today?

Tell us about yourself and what we could do to help you in the comments below.

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1 Comment

  1. Shannon

    This sounds wonderful! I’m excited to read all about your insights!


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