Bravest warriors a fun new card game based by the characters created by Pendleton Ward.
This holiday season we discovered a new game called Bravest Warriors : Encounters. I was looking for an easy travel-friendly game to put in my husband’s stocking last year and this game popped up when I was browsing. It ended up being a hit with not only my husband but my parents too. Being a nerd of the show makes the game even better. Knowing the characters I find the game relatable.
Encounters come in two different decks. The red one and the blue one. Not a huge difference between the game play of each deck just depends on your hero card preference and the characters you like. Both packs of cards come with four different character cards, 7 dice, and 55 cards divided by items and encounters. Both decks can be combined to accommodate more players.
Each encounter card has a value you must reach before moving on to the next and so forth. It’s basically a press your luck dice game with a fun twist. If you end up not rolling the right value you forfeit your point value for that turn. If you end up rolling every value shown and use all your dice the next set of encounters double in points.

There are pretty great advantages in this game too. Each hero comes with its own perk so you can really use strategy to win your roll and you can use your points to purchase items that can give you an extra edge to victory. Game play can be modified depending on the duration you choose. The instructions suggest 30 points is the marker, and 20 for shorter games. But honestly it’s completely up to you. When my parents and I play we usually go for 15. But, obviously with more players that will vary.
Fun twist and game-play advantages
In addition to this game play you can play with the encounter symbols featured on certain cards; these icons represent roadblocks to make the game a little more interesting. No item symbols don’t allow for any additional help, assists are not permitted, extra points and cards that add additional die value to existing rolls.
Honestly this game’s just as fun without all the extra bells and whistles and if you’ve never played it I think you’d find it pretty enjoyable. At around $12 dollars a deck I’d say it would be worth giving it a go. The only other thing I feel like I should mention is that show and some of the cards might be inappropriate to younger children despite the 8+ rating provided. The show is a bit mature for certain age groups.
If you are looking for a more family-friendly game my husband wrote an article of one of our other favorite games. Click here for his thoughts on it.