Why You Need A National Parks Pass

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Dash's Adventures, Lifestyle, Travel | 1 comment

National Parks Pass is so worth it!

Let me explain! If you are planning on going on a road trip please consider getting a National
Parks Pass because you truly don’t realize how many National Parks, National Monuments,
National Battlefields, National Trails, National Seashore & Rivers and National Historic Sites there are here in the Untied States! You might literally run into one on your adventures out and about. Check out the map under “Find Parks”


Towards the east there are a lot more National Battlefields and Historic Sites. As for the west
side there are far more National Parks and National Monuments.
I do suggest getting a Park Pass at the first National Park or National area that you visit because if you enjoy traveling and enjoying nature I guarantee you will go to another National Park very soon!

My Experience

I bought my National Park pass in April 2018 when I visited Colorado National Monument.
Instead of paying the 15$ for the car I figured why not just pay the $80 since I’m sure i’ll go to
another National Park that year sometime right? I had the extra cash at the time and seemed
logical. Man was I right! I ended up visiting 10 national parks in the span of a year! Here are the ones I visited From April 2018 to April 2019:

  •  -Colorado National Monument $15 per car
  •  –Dinosaur National Park $25 per car
  •  -Black Canyon of the Gunnison -$20 per car
  •  -Florissant National Monument -$7 per person
  •  -Great Sand Dunes National park -$20 per car
  •  –Arches National Park $30 per car
  •  –Canyonlands National Park $30 per car
  •  -Zion National Park $35 per car
  •  -Yosimite National Park $35 per car
  • -Great Smokey Mountains National Park-Free

Save Money

So by spending the extra money at the start I saved around $137! And the neat thing is I went to a couple of these places more than once! So technically I saved $212! WOW!
But obviously you could save more if you went to more National Parks and Areas! But the neat thing is several of these are relatively close together, like the Arches and the Canyonlands. And I must say, the Canyonlands are extremely underrated. Ive always heard about the Arches and I definitely enjoyed them! But going to the Canyonlands was incredible as well! It reminded me of a smaller scale of the Grand Canyon. But the colors were amazing with the Utah red rocks and there were so many places to pull off and explore!

Go get a National Parks Pass

But any who, please do yourself a favor and get a National Parks Pass this coming year! Or even tomorrow! I believe it would also give you motivation to go out and explore more.
If you buy the Pass in person at a National Park it will cost you $80 but if you buy it online it
will cost you an extra $10, round it up to $90 or so. If you are a senior(62yr) then it only costs
$20 for an annual pass or $80 for a lifetime and its free for disabled people and Military.

4th Grader National Parks Pass

Here is a neat tip, If you have a 4th grader or about to have a 4th grader then know that the Every Kid Outdoors National Parks Foundation lets you apply for a National Parks pass for that year! They give each 4th grader for the duration of their 4th grade year a pass, but even better yet is that this counts for the pass for the whole family for vehicle payments but if its per person then it counts for the 4th grader plus three adults 16 and up.

Looking for prices on each park? – Visit NPS
Needing a visual location map? – Visit Park Trust

So go and enjoy the great outdoors!
Where is your favorite national park? Let me know in the comments below!

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1 Comment

  1. Shannon

    Great information! Thank you!


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