Top 5 Best Poetry Books For Young Adults

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Books, Dash's Adventures | 0 comments

Poetry Books for Young Adults

As young adult’s we have all struggled with different hardships and a lot of us connect through words, so here is a list of poetry books for young adults. All very different but at the same time very similar. Heartbreak, lost loved ones, anxiousness for the future, confusion, and trying to understand day to day life and our purpose. I feel like these books below will touch some part of your soul, if you are going through something now or you have before. Take some time to really let yourself feel and enjoy these works of art.

Milk and Honey & The Sun and Her Flowers

Milk and Honey & The Sun and Her Flowers
This book set is a beautiful illustrated poetry collection written by the award winning poet Rupi Kaur. She rips open her soul in these transparent books about her struggles with life, love and everything else. Bitter-sweet and beautifully written.

Rupi Kaur Milk and Honey
Rupi Kaur Milk and Honey Book Set

You’ll Come Back To Yourself

You’ll Come Back to Yourself
Written by Michaela Angemeer. You will flow through depression, lost love, learning to choose yourself, and self journey in this poetry book.

You'll Come Back to Yourself
You’ll Come Back to Yourself

Whiskey Words and a Shovel

Whiskey Words and a Shovel
This is another book set. This one is written by R.H Sin who has written at least 9 books at this time. This book set has 3 books. You can follow along his journey through sadness as he searches where his peace has gone. Any of his books are good so I suggest any and all of them.

Whiskey Words and a Shovel
Whiskey Words and a Shovel Book Set

Changing the Tides

Changing the Tides
This book written by Shelby Leigh is a beautiful book about anxiety, insecurity, embracing change and empowerment. Its a light written book and easily understood.

Changing with the Tides
Changing with the Tides

Pillow Thoughts

Pillow Thoughts
Written by Courtney Peppernell has 4 books in the Pillow thought collection. Very raw written on the struggle of life and heartbreak from hurting to healing.

Pillow Thoughts
Pillow Thoughts

What I Plan To Read Next

What is your favorite poetry book? Do you like the new age poetry or old school?
Until next time friends!
Stay safe stay hydrated!

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